CCLG-Africa Applauds Ghana’s Climate Action Progress

Africa Climate Change Slideshow

Climate Communications and Local Governance-Africa (CCLG-Africa) welcomes the Ghanaian government’s bold step in establishing a Ministry of State under the Presidency to address climate-related issues. This move demonstrates the government’s commitment to tackling these global pressing challenges of climate change.

We commend the government for taking our advocacy efforts seriously, particularly after our press release calling for the establishment of a ministry focused on climate sustainability, environment, and green transition. This development is a step in the right direction, and we are optimistic about the potential impact on Ghana’s climate resilience and sustainable development.

However, we urge the government to allocate substantial resources to enable the ministry to implement proactive action plans and coordinate all activities on climate sustainability in Ghana. This will require collaboration with government agencies, civil society organizations (CSOs), and other identifiable partners to leverage expertise, resources, and knowledge.

As a stakeholder in climate, sustainability, and local governance in Africa, CCLG-Africa avails itself to support the government in delivering on its climate commitments. We believe that a collective effort is necessary to address the complexities of climate change and ensure a sustainable future for Ghana and the African continent.

We look forward to working closely with the government, CSOs, and other partners to advance Ghana’s climate and sustainability agenda.


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